WOA calls on Olympians to embody spirit of Olympic Games

8 | 2 | 2018

As PyeongChang prepares to welcome athletes the world over for the start of the XXIII Olympic Winter Games, World Olympians Association President Joël Bouzou OLY has called on those competing to honour the spirit of Olympism to create a truly memorable Olympic Games. 

Speaking ahead of the Opening Ceremony, Bouzou congratulated competing athletes and urged them to reinforce the positive values of the Olympic Movement through their athletic performances.

“The Olympic Games are our opportunity to show the best of humanity. To set aside our differences and collectively strive towards a common goal. To show humility in winning and graciousness in defeat. To embody the values of Olympism and to show the world the unity that is found in sport.

“As we have seen through the unification of North and South Korea for these Olympic Games, sport is a powerful tool for harmony. It is important we do not stop here, more can be done to maximise the enormous potential of sport.

“As ambassadors of their sport, their country and their communities, Olympians have the power to drive change beyond the sporting field. By carrying with them the spirit of the Olympic Games, they can help make the world a better place.

“I wish all athletes competing, a safe and successful Olympic Games and I look forward to watching the spectacular performances as they unfold over the coming fortnight.”

Throughout the Olympic Games, World Olympians Association will be running events and activities as well as their ever-popular ticketing programme that allows Olympians attending the Games to watch sporting events for free, in recognition of their important role within the Olympic Movement.

WOA will also be launching the winter edition of its Olympians for Life exhibition, a project that honours Olympians who have made a significant contribution to society both during and beyond their athletic career.

For more information on WOA activities in PyeongChang and live updates from our events, follow us on Twitter and Facebook or check out www.olympians.org.