Olympians help prisoners rehabilitate in Chinese Taipei

4 | 7 | 2018

Young offenders in Taiwan are being exposed to the Olympic values thanks to a project run by the Chinese Taipei Olympians Association. Developed in collaboration with the Ministry of Justice Corrections Agency, the Life Education programme invites Olympians to share their personal stories with inmates at reform schools in hope that it will aid their rehabilitation and help them contribute positively to society upon release.

Twice a month, Olympians visit reform schools across the country to promote Olympism and broaden prisoners’ understanding of the benefits of balancing body, mind and spirit. Aided by a World Olympians Association development grant, the programme is already showing great promise and the interaction with athletes has been well received by more than 550 inmates, who have so far benefitted from the life lessons being offered.

“We have already carried out four courses in different reform schools and gained very productive feedback and testimonial from those involved. We believe this will certainly help inspire these young offenders to be better people and help them integrate better in their communities when they return to society,” said NOA President Antonnio ONG Ming-Yih OLY.

“By sharing their personal stories,” he added, “our Olympians are inspiring the prisoners to face challenges with positivity, approach their lives with courage and be happier and healthier through sport.”

Olympians who have taken part in the project so far include TU Tai-Hsing OLY (Shooting, Los Angeles 1984 - Atlanta 1996), WU Kuo Hei (Judo, Atlanta 1996), WU Tsung Yi (Archery, Atlanta 1996), HUANG Chih Hsiung (Taekwondo, Sydney 2000 - Athens 2004).     

The Chinese Taipei NOA was officially founded earlier this year and has already made great strides in its development. Alongside its Life Education programme, the NOA has established a head office in Taiwan.    

The NOA is applying for formal membership to WOA and their application will be considered at the next WOA General Assembly, which will take place after the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games.