Olympians and NOAs get creative to boost OLY sign ups

4 | 6 | 2020

NOAs and Olympians across the world are finding innovative ways of encouraging fellow Olympians to sign up for OLY so they can get the recognition they deserve for the hours and hours they spent reaching and competing at the highest level.

Over 14,000 Olympians have already signed up for OLY and NOAs are using an array of communication tools to motivate more Olympians to join the growing global OLY community.

In China, Olympians who had already registered for OLY shared their OLY certificates on their WeChat accounts, China’s biggest social media platform, leading to a dramatic spike in OLY sign ups from Olympians.

In France, President Valérie Barlois-Leroux OLY of the French National Olympians Association sent a newsletter to their community of Olympians and a dedicated OLY section on the NOC website was created to take Olympians through the registration process step by step. Similarly, with the support of NOC Chile, Chilean Olympians received a flyer via email with details of the OLY programme.

Those are just a few ideas that you could try within your communities. We encourage you to think outside the box to come up with even more creative ways. If you need any help or suggestions reach out to the WOA team.