HOA protects the environment with WOA grant
26 | 11 | 2020
The Hellenic Olympians Association has realised its vision for an Olympic Green Values community programme with support from a WOA Service to Society grant.
Olympic Green Values will promote sustainability by reducing the use of plastics, supporting the ethos of Recycle-Reduce-Reuse and providing education opportunities to teach the importance of protecting the environment.
To launch the programme, HOA organised more than 50 Olympians and representatives of the Municipality of Athens and Acharnon-Thrakomakedones to clear discarded litter around Athens’ sacred sites at the Acropolis, the Supreme Court and the Church of the Municipality.
For maximum impact, HOA partnered with a range of organisations passionate about protecting the environment, including:
- The Greek Fire Department and Coast Guard
- Municipalities & Communities Authorities
- Olympic Museum of Thessaloniki
- Sports Federations & Clubs
- The Panhellenic Association of Photojournalists
Following the successful event, Mrs Stavroula Kozompoli OLY, HOA President, said: “It’s only by working together with government and non-government organisations that we can help to reduce the impact of climate change and make our living spaces safer and more pleasing to be in.
“We were very pleased with the enthusiasm of our members to get involved in this project and with the support of our partner organisations we can work together to protect our environment for future generations.”