Olympians unite around #Whitecard

6 | 4 | 2023

Olympians around the world are being urged once again to support the annual #Whitecards for Peace campaign which this year will mark the 10th anniversary of the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace (IDSDP). The campaign theme for this year is “United through the #Whitecard”.

WOA is once again inviting all Olympians to support the vision of sport as a platform to build peaceful, inclusive, and equitable communities.

WOA Executive Committee members showed their support at their most recent Board meeting by showing the white card. It’s a simple as that. Show the card, take a selfie and post it online.

World Olympians Association president Joël Bouzou OLY said“I am very excited to see how our OLY community is joining the 10th anniversary celebration of the IDSDP by spreading the message of how sport has the power to drive social change. United Olympians around the world can make a difference in our society.”

Visit the official April 6 website (www.april6.org) to find out how you can get involved and download the 2023 Toolkit. Join the global OLY community and spread the message that sport can be a driving force for change, unity, and peace.