WOA President announces funding for physical activity projects

26 | 6 | 2023

WOA President Joël Bouzou OLY called on all organisations involved in the Global Alliance for Physical Activity to back their support for the Alliance with money and action. With diabetes, obesity, overweight adults and children and lack of physical activity now a global crisis, Joël said that Olympians and elite athletes can act as role models to promote physical activity in their communities.

He was helping to kick off the Global Alliance for Physical Activity Day as a keynote speaker at the Sports, Medicine and Health Summit in Hamburg along with Fiona Bull of the World Health Organisation and Professor Yannis Pitsiladis representing the IOC. The Global Alliance is backed by the IOC, the World Health Organisation and over 100 national and international organisations.

Joël asked the delegates in Hamburg to: “Work with us and with the Olympians and elite athletes and coaches and teachers and parents in your communities to get everyone moving. No matter what their age, current physical condition or social standing. Let’s get out there and inspire the world to move on up to a better place.”

He highlighted current WOA-supported initiatives in schools that introduce children to Olympians and sport, as well as projects funded by WOA grants that are promoting physical activity and helping save lives in the process.

At the end of his speech Joël pledged that WOA would reserve all Service to Society grant funds next year for projects that get people physically active.

Read his speech here.

Learn more about the Global Alliance here.