Say no to GBV
12 | 12 | 2024
Gender-based violence (GBV) is a huge issue throughout the world. It affects all parts of society in all countries. And Olympians are not immune as we saw after Paris 2024. One in three women worldwide have directly experienced violence. Every 10 minutes, a woman is killed by a partner or family member. These aren't just statistics - our community, our friends, our competitors, are affected. Olympians like Agnes, Rebecca and Damaris. Three exceptional athletes.
Three lives cut short by gender-based violence.
A new movement called 1in3 has been set up to end this cycle of violence.
Please have a look at their website and join your fellow Olympians in saying no to GBV by signing up here.
The more Olympians who sign up, the stronger the movement.
It’s time to put an end to GBV. Athletes hold unprecedented influence, representing over 50% of society’s most impactful voices. Take action at so that no woman ever has to fear going home.
Your support is crucial. Thank you.