WOA has sent an Open Letter to the IOC Presidential Candidates

12 | 3 | 2025

With less than a week to go until the IOC Presidential election, the WOA has written to the seven candidates seeking their views on the big issues that affect Olympians and the working of the WOA itself.

WOA President Joël Bouzou OLY said: “The purpose of the letter is to ask the candidates to expand on the general issues they raised in their election manifestos with regard to Olympians, democracy and working relationships within the Olympic Movement and to see what they will commit to that would benefit Olympians and the work of the WOA in supporting Olympians and promoting the values of the Olympic Movement.

“As I said in the open letter, the WOA, as the independent democratically elected body representing Olympians worldwide, is committed to fostering a constructive and mutually beneficial relationship with the next IOC President and their team. We firmly believe that a partnership founded on respect, collaboration, and a shared commitment to the well-being of Olympians will serve to strengthen the Olympic Movement as a whole.”

The candidates were asked these five questions:

  1. How do you intend to ensure that Olympians are truly at the heart of the IOC’s activities?
  2. What is your vision for a strong, collaborative, and equitable partnership between our two independent organisations?
  3. Would you support initiatives such as free medical screenings and health checks for all competitors before, during, and after the Olympic Games, including free or subsidised medical insurance for life for Olympians?
  4. Do you believe Olympians should have the right to use footage of their Olympic performances?
  5. What are your views on financial recognition for Olympians’ participation in the Olympic Games?

We will publish the replies as we receive them. You can see the full letter here.