World Olympians Association GDPR update

27 | 5 | 2018

Dear Olympians and friends of WOA,

WOA has recently updated its privacy policy in line with new European legislation. You can find it here and at the bottom of our website. Within the policy you will find information about how your data is managed and how you can request more information.

Below are some reminders about the great offers brought to you by WOA, and we are working on more for the future so watch this space.

  • Be identified for your Olympic achievements with OLY post nominal letters and the email address.
  • Participate in the largest ever health study of Olympians aiming to improve Olympians’ health in future, with many amazing prizes to be won including a trip to Lausanne
  • Complimentary Olympic Games tickets, hospitality and events. More information about how to access these opportunities for Tokyo 2020 will be sent in late 2019.

Best wishes,

Mike, Rebecca, Sarah and Ayako
WOA Administration team