Apply now for a WOA grant

31 | 1 | 2023

The WOA 2023 Grants programme is now open. You can apply for funding for projects run by yourself or other Olympians which either benefit your fellow Olympians or your community. More information on how to apply HERE.

To give you some idea of the type of projects we fund here are some examples from last year run by NOAs and Olympians.

Nepal Olympians Association brought Olympians back to their roots, inspiring students from their rural home districts. Sharing their personal stories pursuing Olympic glory, the Olympians paved the way for future generations to pursue excellence regardless of their background.

In Oceania, Rachael Lynch OLY, WOA Olympians For Life awardee, travelled to various towns across Australia delivering hockey clinics to over 200 children, especially reaching out to girls interested in goalkeeping.

In Mali, the NOA uses sport to help children in the refugee camps of Bamako, Faladie and Nyamana. Despite a fire which caused major destruction in the Faladie camp, the Malian Olympians persisted in their ongoing efforts to deliver sports training camps with the NOC for the young refugees. So far, three of the young refugees have been selected to join the national team.

For more inspiring stories on how WOA grants and NOA projects made a difference, please check out the Best Practice page on our website.

Projects must be submitted through your NOA. Find your NOA contact person through the NOA Directory HERE or get in touch with us via

WOA Service to Society and Service to Olympians grant applications will close on 26 March 2023 at 1700 Lausanne time (CET).