Date set for WOA World Olympians Forum this September
30 | 3 | 2023
The third WOA World Olympians Forum (WOF) will be held this year in Istanbul, Turkey on September 16 and 17. A representative from each of the WOA member National Olympians Associations will be invited to attend the WOF which is being hosted by the Istanbul Metropolitan Authority.
As in the previous two WOFs, other attendees will be WOA Executive Committee members and staff, IOC staff and Athletes Commission members, Olympic Family members and special guest speakers.
Attendees will arrive on Friday September 15 and will depart either on the evening of the 17th or on the 18th.
The WOF will be a mixture of workshops, presentations, debates and panel discussions. NOAs will be surveyed in the next few months to help determine the topics to be discussed at the Forum.
So, save the dates. More details including how to register coming soon.