NOA Guide


This online guide for National Olympians Associations (NOAs) has been put together by WOA to provide information, tools and resources to help you become a more effective NOA. In each section there are templates that you can download and use, and examples of best practices from NOAs.

Over time, as objectives and practices evolve, this NOA guide will be reviewed and updated thanks to your work and input. Please let us know what you think, what would be helpful for you and how the NOA Guide can be the best it can be for you.   

Bookmark this page and check it regularly or contact the WOA team via if you have any questions or comments.


Joël Bouzou OLY


What is an NOA?

A National Olympians Association (NOA) is formed of a community of Olympians who align with the WOA’s Vision and aims to deliver activities that support the WOA’s Mission and Strategic Plan.

NOA are recognised and supported by their National Olympic Committee (NOC) and work in alignment to promote the Olympic Movement in their country.

Please refer to the WOA constitution for details on membership criteria of WOA. Further information and tools about NOA governance can be found within the Leadership and Governance Section.

How do I get involved?

There is a growing global network of NOAs.

If you are interested in becoming active in your Olympian community, you can search for the contact information of your NOA through the NOA Directory.

If your country does not have an NOA and you would be interested in forming one, please consult the NOA Start-Up Guide and contact the WOA team.

NOA Guide topic areas

WOA has developed key factors in order to guide you in being successful within your NOA. The starting question when developing the following areas was: What does good look like for an NOA?

  1. Member Engagement: Engage with NOA members regularly
  2. Branding and Marketing: Maintain a close brand association with WOA
  3. Project Delivery: Deliver Service to Olympians and Service to Society programmes and events
  4. Leadership and Governance: Have an active leadership with good governance
  5. Finance Management: Have annual operations financed
  6. Stakeholder Engagement: Engage with other stakeholders, including the NOC

Refer to the NOA checklist to ensure that your NOA is achieving its aims in alignment with the WOA mission.

WOA contact

If you have any questions or comments, or would like to contribute best practice from your NOA, please contact the WOA team.

You can also follow WOA via social media on Facebook and Twitter

Updated on 12 August 2020